Invisalign For Crossbite Correction


Invisalign For Crossbite Correction

Invisalign For Crossbite Correction

Invisalign South Huntington Long Island, NY | Dentistry By Design, PCA crossbite is a misalignment of the lower and upper jaw. Having a crossbite may cause pain and discomfort. Still, it can cause even more severe dental issues in the future, like gum problems. In the past, the only way to treat a crossbite was to use traditional metal braces. However, with Invisalign, you can start correcting your crossbite in a discreet, comfortable, and efficient way. Before you call Dentistry By Design in South Huntington for an Invisalign treatment consultation, here are some crucial points to note regarding this condition and how we can help you treat it.

What Is a Crossbite?

A crossbite is a dental issue when some of your upper teeth sit inside or directly on top of your lower teeth after you close your mouth. Your upper teeth should rest just slightly in front of your lower teeth.
Some of the signs of a crossbite include:

  • Frequent toothaches
  • Headaches
  • Pain while biting and chewing
  • Jaw problems

What Causes a Crossbite?

For many people, genetics influences crossbite ~ you could have inherited the condition from your parents. In other cases, unhealthy childhood habits may be responsible for developing a crossbite. These habits include thumb sucking, breathing through the mouth, and extensive use of pacifiers beyond the age of three. Other factors that can cause a crossbite are delayed tooth growth or abnormal tooth growth.

Why Should You Fix a Crossbite?

It is essential to treat a crossbite as soon as possible. In addition to the daily discomfort you feel, it can cause a range of other dental issues if not treated early. Some of the complications can include:
Invisalign South Huntington NY | Cosmetic Dentist South Huntington NY

  • Poor quality of sleep
  • Inability to bite or chew correctly
  • Plaque buildup
  • Speech impediments
  • Deformed jawline
  • An odd-looking smile
  • Low self-esteem
  • TMJ disorder
  • Teeth wearing out faster than normal
  • Gum disease that leads to bone loss

How Can a Dentist Fix a Crossbite with Invisalign?

If you have a crossbite issue, contact Dentistry By Design for a consultation to see if Invisalign will correct your crossbite. Our Invisalign provider, Dr. Joseph Ayoub, will examine you at our ultra-modern dental facility. He leads the team that carries out dental examinations and scans with our 3D imaging scanner.

During your visit to Dentistry By Design, we will evaluate your smile and look for all signs of a crossbite. If a dentist diagnoses your condition as a crossbite, we will recommend the most suitable treatment option.

Does Invisalign Work for a Crossbite?

Yes, we can treat most types of crossbites with Invisalign. During a smile assessment consultation, we will show you how it can transform your smile using before and after images. After agreeing on a treatment plan, you will receive a customized set of aligners created to fit your teeth precisely.

These aligners are virtually invisible. The patient wears each set for five to seven days, and after that, we will replace them with the next stage of aligners that will keep moving your teeth into their correct position.

How Long Does Invisalign Take for a Crossbite?

The completion time for Invisalign treatment depends on the severity of the crossbite. Once Dr. Ayoub develops the 3D images of your teeth, you will need to wait for the lab to create the clear aligners. You will wear each set for one week. The number of trays made will determine the total number of weeks you will have to wear clear aligners.

While a minor crossbite may take only three months to correct, severe cases may last up to 18 months.